Frequently asked questions

Questions are there to get answered. Below you find our answers to frequently asked questions. Still left with question marks? Let us know!

We currently have a partnership with the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs from Leiden University, and the Faculty of Humanities from the University of Amsterdam. oaching for students studying at this university or these faculties is reimbursed.

Are you a student at an alternative educational institute and interested in our coaching? Let us know! We will contact your educational institute and explore the opportunities. A private route is also possible. For a trajectory of 5 sessions and half a year of e-health support you pay a reduced rate of 352,50 excluding VAT. 

Our online coaching trajectory consists of five sessions. The sessions take place every other week, which means that the overall duration of a trajectory comes down to approximately 10 weeks.

The listed challenges are merely illustrative. It is no problem if your help request is not explicitly mentioned. We are here to support you with psychological challenges; to work on personal development, to improve study-related skills, or to guide you towards the right help. Your help request might be small or relatively heavy; in all cases you are welcome. We are here for you.

You can sign up for our service by using the form on the website. We will contact you within 2-3 working days to help you further.

Nothing. Your institute reimburses the trajectory but does not get any insight into the content. Our coaching remains anonymous and confidential.  

There is no waiting list at Siggie. You can get started immediately. As soon as you signed up, we will contact you within 2-3 working days. And if you would like to, your first session could happen within 2 weeks.

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from a Siggie student coach?